Hello there! I've been designing and developing websites since 2001 (yes, dial up and AOL "you've got mail") and I have a passion for better business systems to make working in your business more fulfilling. I have been honing my skills on business processes for the last 7 years as a business owner and I'm excited to share what I've learned with you along the way in this free workshop!

Stefani —

About the teacher

how we plan to grow our team next year to take on more projects and work less

setting income goals based on the number of bookings you can take for the year

How to plan around time off including holidays, vacations, and a sabbatical

How to schedule spots on your calendar to book new client projects and vip days

In this workshop, we'll be covering:

what you'll learn

Take a look at

more questions answered at the end about systems and behind the scenes of december oak

I can’t wait to share this valuable information with you!